Tuesday, September 1, 2009

From the Backseat of My Life

The recent change in weather has everyone enthusiastically switching to cool-weather gear: boots, jeans, sweaters. I actually saw a VCU student in a fleece this afternoon! I, on the other hand, refuse to accept that it's time to pack away warm weather clothing. For a hot minute, I considered putting on leggings under my jean skirt before I headed out tonight, but I just couldn't do it; better to have a few chill bumps on my legs than give in to full body coverage at this point. I even wore sandals.

Of course when I arrived to meet my hot, smart companions for the evening, they looked September-appropriate: jeans, layers, a sweater. Did I feel foolish in my lighter attire? Hell no, although leaving the place a few minutes ago, I could tell the temperature was within spitting range of 60 degrees. That's why there's hearty red wine, to thicken up the blood for cooler temps when I leave skin exposed.

I do like this weather for sleeping, though. The two big windows in my bedroom let in plenty of night air and although I can't get excited about the cooler days, I find a lot to like about the cooler nights.

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