Monday, August 9, 2010

Walking the Brick Carpet

I got a late start on my morning walk today, which meant finding shade on Grace Street was going to be challenging.

I resorted to walking the less-scenic Broad Street because the taller buildings were still providing shade late in the morning.

Walking west on Broad from Belvidere, the wide sidewalks are bisected by a ribbon of brick, but only on the blocks that have VCU property on them.

For no particular reason, when I'm on those blocks, I have a tendency to walk the brick walkways rather than the more even and smooth concrete.

I never gave it a second thought until a tall, handsome passer-by noticed.

Him: Look at you, baby, taking up that whole brick sidewalk.

Me: (smiling guiltily because I am smack in the middle of it)

Him: And you know what, you deserve every bit of it! (smiling back)

Guilt assuaged.


  1. hiya karen! (as if we've met) - enjoyed yr last few entries - good music, food, people, etc - one thing though:

    you can't be a nerd as you claim since self-awareness of imaginary nerdicity eclipses the nerd aura since a true state of nerdness must be totally unconscious -
    ...yea, i know - who cares...(im bored)

    anyhoo - i envy yr schedule - am lookin frwd to readin more

  2. My nerdiness is a presumption based on the reactions I often get when I tell people what I spent my time doing or when I invite them to join me to do something and they look at me as if to say, "Are you serious?".

    Maybe it would be better to say, "I like stuff that other people think is boring."

  3. Actually, you're not a nerd but I can appreciate your use of the word as a self description. My description of you would be someone with eclectic tastes whose comments and commentaries often elicit expressions of incredulity from those with more mainstream interests. I'm just sayin.

  4. You make a nerd like me sound so much less nerdy. Thank you for that.
