Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Andrew!

Today was Andrew's birthday, so we made plans to have lunch together, and his choice was Garnett's, which suited me just fine.

I come from a family where birthdays were a big deal so I'm happy to help my friends celebrate their big days in any way I can.

I hadn't sent him a Facebook Happy Birthday message and I'm glad I hadn't.

The first thing he mentioned was that he'd gotten happy birthdays from all kinds of people he never sees or hasn't seen in years (you know, the meaningless kind of birthday wishes).

I did arrive with a card, a funny one, which I had doctored with thought balloons thinking inappropriate and sex-focused thoughts, which satisfyingly made him laugh out loud.

His next question was, "Where are my birthday cookies?"

Seems that since I'd made him cookies the past two birthdays, he was expecting them this year, too.

But we've got a cookie extravaganza coming up Tuesday, he and I and twenty others, so I told him he'd have to wait for his cookies.

That and I've been dead busy every day and night this week.

He had the Louisville Hot Brown on my recommendation and I tried today's special, a turkey and bacon club with Swiss on whole wheat.

It was nicely done because, unlike most club sandwiches, it had only two pieces of bread and while they were thick cut, it was still less bread filler, which I appreciated.

Birthdays require dessert so we shared the Chocolate Pecan Pie, a dessert that always invokes a closed-eye swoon response from anyone (including myself) whom I've ever seen eating it and with good reason.

Warm and gooey and definitely birthday-worthy, it was every bit as good as the last three (or is it four?) times I've had it.

And it's a mere four bucks, just so you know.

Andrew started his birthday celebration at midnight last night at Balliceaux with further plans to celebrate tonight.

We're on the same page with that because I like to drag out my birthday for as long as I possibly can.

Andrew's even got someone cute and charming to drag it out with, so if he's smart, he'll make it an entire birthday weekend extravaganza.

I know I would given half a chance.

Just watch me come next May.


  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  2. Turns out we'll miss the chance to meet this Tuesday. I was reading this and going, the similarities! Someone named Andrew with a bday this week, a cookie party on Tuesday. Yep, same friends! I was invited for cookies but cannot attend because I will be at my grandmother's funeral in another state. Too bad to miss you. And yes, Andrew does have a lovely guy to share the holidays with.

  3. Considering we've never met, it's startling how many friends we seem to have in common. Sooner or later, we're bound to meet in the real world.
