Thursday, November 5, 2009

The General Specific

All of a sudden, it's November and the time has changed and it's getting colder at night.

And of course the business of life continues, random, sometimes surprising and always worthy of comment in my world.

I made a point to get out and vote, knowing most people weren't going to bother and most people didn't.

At my polling place there were six poll workers and two voters.

I will never understand people choosing not to exercise such a crucial right, no matter how lackluster the candidates.

Crossing the street during my walk yesterday, a guy drove by and gave me a full-on wolf whistle, just like in the old cartoons.

Really? In yoga pants and a hoodie?

Thanks, but I hardly think I earned it, fella.

The Dashboard Confessional show next month at the National, for which I already had a ticket, got cancelled, er, excuse me, "rescheduled due to family issues."

Seriously? Come on, guys, classic emo knows no freakin' family issues.

Walking through the Kroger produce department, a guy said an unexpected hi to me and I gave him a mega-watt smile and said hi back as I made my way to the cheeses.

From behind, I heard him say, "That smile!" to his friend.

You were right, Mom, people appreciate a smile.

My friend Scott and I celebrated his new marketing job with lunch at Garnett's today (I had the Louisville Hot Brown, the Derby classic, and it was scrumptious) and we finished with the chocolate/coconut cake, undoubtedly my top two favorite dessert ingredients.

Chocolate icing on the sides, dark chocolate ganache dusted with coconut on top and white icing with coconut in the center.

We both moaned a little enjoying it...then took a long walk in the November sunshine to make ourselves feel better about having eaten so much.

Nothing major to report, just the usual observations and oddities.

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