Saturday, June 27, 2009

It was a dark and stormy night...briefly

Got home from an enjoyable Matt Kearney show at the National just as the big, sloppy raindrops started to fall. As I opened the door to my house, an enormous crack of thunder exploded. There was the was definitely time for a walk.
I grabbed the umbrella and the dog and we headed out to explore the neighborhood even as the sky flashed with lightening. Neighbors I knew were sitting on their porches doing just what I was doing: experiencing a little midnight drama. It wasn't a hell-fire and brimstone kind of a storm that we were walking through, but just enough going on to disturb the skittish dogs and make our stroll more bracing than usual.
Already that front seems to be more distant- sounding, but the temperature has dropped even since I got home and the dog and I got a much more exciting final walk of the day than normal. A couple hours of music followed by three quarters of an hour of storm teasing made for a fine Friday night's activities. ..if you like those sorts of things. I do.

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