Saturday, September 22, 2012

Stop, Thief!

Good god, how low will people sink?

Even after six plus years of walking Grace Street daily, I can still be surprised.

Like today in the middle of hell block, I saw a colorful sign looking stained and crumpled on the sidewalk.

At the top in blue it said, "FINDING AMADEUS" with a hand drawn sketch of a fish colored light blue underneath it.

In big red letters under that it said, "I REALLY LOVE MY FISH, BUT NOW HE IS GONE!"

In smaller print at the bottom, the aggrieved party wrote, "If you have any information regarding this disappearance please write a letter and put it in the mailbox for 1115 W. Grace."

Kind of breaks your heart, doesn't it?

My question is, was Amadeus stolen from inside someone's apartment?

Was the poor fish pilfered whilst catching some rays in a bowl on the front porch?

Who the hell steals a fish, much less a named one?

But then just as I was questioning the neighborhood's lack of decency, I walked by a guy in a wheelchair who said, "Here comes the most beautiful and sexy woman on Grace Street. Have a great weekend, hon!"

It didn't make up for Amadeus, but it helped a little.

But if he turns out to be the fish thief, I'm going to give up on humanity altogether.

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