Sunday, August 22, 2010

Poor Thing, How Does She Manage?

In today's Washington Post, a letter to Dr. Gridlock raises an issue near and dear to my heart:

"What of people who don't have a cell phone - they exist, I understand - or who don't have one that is charged at the moment?"

What of us? I love the way the writer qualifies our existence by saying "I understand." Clearly she doesn't actually know any such Luddites, but she's willing to concede that they're out there.

I'm living proof.

At last night's show at the Camel, a casual friend came over to talk to me, lamenting that I hadn't been at his recent party. "I texted you an invitation, but it came you had a land line or something." Grinning, I explained that I do indeed use that antiquated technology.

His reaction? "That's awesome! Really and truly? Good for you!" I've had the same reaction from people more times than I can count. People are impressed, they compliment me, but would never consider doing the same. And you can't imagine the number of people who have offered to buy me a phone just so they could contact me wherever I was. Shall I name names?

My new music-loving friend was more prosaic about it last night. "Really, people only need it for business. When I go out, like now, mine stays in the car."

And when we eventually move to a cell phone-only world, mine will sit on the table in my bedroom, exactly where my land line sits now.

And then what will friends give me a hard time about?


  1. Indeed, good for you! I don't have a cell phone either and I'm happy about that.

  2. Wow! It's good to know that "others" exist. I don't know a soul who shares my love of being unavailable.
